Caitlin Burgess

Educator and Mindfulness Coach

Caitlin Burgess is a trauma-informed teacher and guide with over 15 years of experience working with youth in alternative education. Her approach centers on relationship-building and empowering student agency, particularly through her English and Equity Studies courses. A trauma survivor herself, Caitlin turned to mindfulness to manage stress, befriend her experience, and to deepen her connection with herself. 

Over the past 10 years, she has cultivated a rich mindfulness practice through the Centre for Mindfulness Studies in Toronto, with training in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive TherapyMindfulness for Self-Compassion, and Mindfulness for Stress Management. Caitlin has also immersed herself in week-long silent Vipassana retreats in the Burmese Theravada tradition through the Insight Meditation Centre in California. 

When she’s not guiding others through their healing journeys, Caitlin can be found joyfully backcountry canoe tripping in Ontario’s provincial parks, taking pottery, or connecting with close friends. Passionate about building self-compassion, equity, social justice, and personal and collective wellness, Caitlin is committed to helping others build tools for healing and good health.